The power of blue spirulina

a superfood for boosting collagen

Our blue spirulina is a great tasting addition to your daily beauty routine

Liina, Inc.

yeah, but how do you eat it?



healthy looking skin*

immune system support*


Liina, Inc.
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.
blue algae for a greener world
Liina, Inc.

nourish your body, save the planet

Spirulina transforms CO2 into oxygen, protein, iron, and vitamins. It requires 200x less land and 215x less water to produce the same volume of protein found in 1 pound of beef, and is 400x more effective at removing CO2 from the air than a tree. Learn how we’re using one of the most sustainable food sources on Earth to reshape how we think about food.

Requires Minimal Land
Removes CO2 from the Air
Grows in Bad Weather
Doubles in Growth Daily
Produces Oxygen
Requires Minimal Water
Liina, Inc.
Liina, Inc.


Liina, Inc.